Founder / President / CEO
As the world continues to shrink with the advent of new communications/social networking it is imperative that medical developments from all parts of the worlds be brought together and shared for scientific review. Similarly it is equally important that information on all advances in technology be made available to all corners of the world.
We at AMD OPTI, LLC are making every effort to seek out developing research centers world-wide with which to exchange emerging technologies on medical issues that for generations have appeared to all to be untreatable or treatable only in a manner to moderate the ravages of the disease involved while not curing the disease itself.
It is our belief that stem cell treatments handled in the proper manner offer a very major step toward our goal of improving medical outcomes world-wide. It is also our belief that partnering with emerging companies on new technology advances world-wide will rapidly expedite the fulfillment of our objectives.
With the above in mind, we at AMD OPTI, LLC have entered into our first international joint venture in search of such curable/incurable diseases as Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) and male infertility. As you read on in our website, you will realize the quality of our first association and with its success the weight we can lift from the 100 million plus individuals world-wide suffering AMD.
Our doors are open to ideas, joint ventures and any overture that will improve living conditions for man.